The Grierson Trust
The Grierson Trust

January 28, 2022

Dates for your diary for Grierson 2022: The British Documentary Awards

Find out when we open and close for entries, plus the date for the ceremony

After returning to the Queen Elizabeth Hall last November for an in-person ceremony, we are delighted to now announce we will return to the Southbank Centre for 2022 – the 50th anniversary of the The British Documentary Awards!

The awards open for entries on Friday, 25 March 2022. The eligibility window will be for documentaries broadcast between 1 June 2021 and 31 May 2022 and the deadline for entries will be Friday, 20 May 2022.

Other key dates for the 2022 Grierson Awards are:

  • Shortlist announced: Thursday, 21 July
  • Nominations announced: Monday, 19 September
  • Awards ceremony: Thursday, 10 November at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank, London

To get a reminder for entries opening, sign up to our newsletter at the footer of this page, or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.